BGP Communites

These are the BGP Communities that are available on our network

We use RFC 8092 BGP Large Communities for our customers.

Informational Communities:

- InformationX => {
0 = Not specific,
1 = FRA1,
2 = OTW1,
3 = TOR1,
4 = FMT1,
5 = KC1,
6 = KC2,
7 = TW1,
10 = FMT1,
xx => {
10 = KleyReX,
11 = ONIX,
12 = FREMIX,
13 = GPC Missouri,
14 = LocIX FRA,
15 = FogIXP
60900:X:12Learned from upstream
60900:X:14Learned from peer
60900:X:15Learned from downstream
60900:X:2xxLearned from route server
60900:X:900Learned from AS112

Action Communities:

60900:101:XXXSet local preference (can be 010, 100, 120, 130, 170). Default for customers is 150.
60900:200:100No-Export to LocIX Frankfurt (Peer)
60900:200:101Prepend 1x to LocIX Frankfurt (Peer)
60900:200:102Prepend 2x to LocIX Frankfurt (Peer)
60900:200:103Prepend 3x to LocIX Frankfurt (Peer)

Remark: We passthrough communities to/from our upstreams so you can use theirs for more control.